The script commands are in the search-path of the obs-environment. They can be
called from within any other shell (IRAF, MIDAS, in tcl/Tk or any
There are three groups of commands:
1. Commands to set parameters only
2. Commands to do some actions (press buttons, start an exposure etc.)
3. Commands to do a combination of parameter settings and actions
command <value> Return: 0 succes, E-n Error
(n=ErrorNr), value always means to pass a value
command <stat> Return: value succes, E-n Error, stat means to pass the string "stat" instead of a value!
sets the x1-Value of the Area of Interest of CCD-Chip 1, where x1/y1 defines
the lower left corner (in binned Pixels, integer Values).
<stat> Returns the actual x1-Value of CCD-Chip 1
<value> sets the x2-Value of the Area of Interest, where x2/y2 defines
the upper right corner (in binned Pixels, integer Values).
<stat> Returns the actual x2-Value of CCD-Chip 1
<value> sets the y1-Value of the Area of Interest, where x1/y1 defines
the lower left corner (in binned Pixels, integer Values).
<stat> Returns the actual y1-Value of CCD-Chip 1
<value> sets the y2-Value of the Area of Interest, where x2/y2 defines
the upper right corner (in binned Pixels, integer Values).
<stat> Returns the actual y2-Value of CCD-Chip 1
<value> sets the gain for Chip 1. Possible parameters for <value>
(int) are:
<stat> Returns the actual gain for Chip 1.
<value> sets the horizontal binning-factor for Chip 1 (int).
<stat> Returns the actual horizontal binning-factor for Chip 1.
<value> sets the vertical binning-factor for Chip 1 (int).
<stat> Returns the actual vertical binning-factor for Chip 1.
<value> sets the exposure-time (in sec, float Values, up to 1/10) for
Dewar 1.
<stat> Returns the actual exposure-time for Dewar 1.
<value> sets the number of rows to shift for Chip 1 in the focus parameters (int).
<stat> Returns the actual value for Chip 1.
<value> sets the exposure-time (in sec, float Values, up to 1/10) for
Dewar 1.
<stat> Returns the actual exposure-time for Dewar 1.
<value> sets the exposure-type for Dewar 1. Possible parameters for
<value> (text) are:
<stat> Returns teh actual exposure-type for Dewar 1.
<value> sets the number of focus loops for Dewar 1 (int) in the focus parameters.
<stat> Returns the actual value for Dewar 1.
<value> sets des object-name (text).
<stat> Returns the actual object-name.
<value> sets des exposure-mode.
Possible parameters for <value> (text) are:
<stat> Returns the actual exposure-mode.
command <wait> Return: 0 succes, E-n Error
command <nowait> Return: 0 succes, E-n Error
command <stat> Return: value succes, E-n Error
starts an exposure at Dewar 1 and waits, until the exposure is completed.
<"nowait"> starts an exposure at Dewar 1, but does NOT wait, until the
exposure is completed.
<"stat"> Returns flags (1 or 0).
command <value> Return: 0 succes, E-n Error
command <stat> Return: value succes, E-n Error
(int) sets the readout-speed of CCD-Chips 1. Possible parameter for <
value> are:
- 0 for "normal"
- 1 for "fast"
- 2 for "very fast"
- 3 for "slow"
- 4 for "very slow"
the CCD-Parameterfile is going to be downloaded, if <value> changes.
<stat> Returns the actual<value> ( [0..4] ).
<value> (int) sets readout-speed of CCD-Chips 1. Possible parameters for
< value> are:
- 0 for "normal"
- 1 for "fast"
- 2 for "very fast"
- 3 for "slow"
- 4 for "very slow"
in addition, the button "Update" will be activated, i.e. the CCD-Parameterfile
will be downloaded even if <value> did not differ from the old value
(this is ever!).
<stat> Returns the actual <value> ( [0..4] ).
<value> uploads the User-Parameterfile, given by <value> (text).
(Only the name of the file, no path required)
<stat> Returns the actual User-Parameterfilename
#make 10 exposures and increase the exposure time from 1 to 10sec
while (( i != 10 ))
#set the Objectname
camera_objectname "Star $i"
#set the exposure time
camera_dewar1_exptime "$i"
#set the exposure type
camera_dewar1_exptype "dark"
#start the expsure and wait until the exposure time and readout is over
camera_dewar1_start wait
i=`expr $i + 1`
echo $i