Macro Commands
D. Thompson, P. Bizenberger  Jan. 98 

The following commands and syntax can be used in macros or typed directly into the command window. Use with caution - some commands are better left out of macros! For example, quit will exit a macro at the point it occurs, no further instructions in the macro will be executed. Also, if interactive is on, and ls, dir, or history are used in a macro, the macro could stop executing and wait for a carriage return.

Click on a command in the table below to jump to a description of that command, and again to return to the command table.

abort  alarm  area  autosave 
cd  clobber  continue  control 
crep  ctype  dir  display 
exit  filter  fits  gui 
help  history  interactive itime 
kill  load  logfile  ls 
macro  next  object  observer 
pause  pwd  quit  read 
satcheck  save  sky  sound 
sync  telescope  telegui  verbose 

syntax: abort
Aborts 'read' and/or 'macro'-execution

syntax: alarm [sound] [volume]
Play 'General Error' sound. You may enter a 'sound' file, but this file must be located in $CAMHOME/SOUNDS. The 'volume' range is from 1 to 100.

syntax: area x1 y1 x2 y2
Sets the area of the image that is used for all 'save' operations.
    (x1,y1) is the lower left corner
    (x2,y2) is the upper right corner

syntax: autosave {yes,on} [-f n] [-l n] [-r n1 n2] [-1] [-i] [-d]
Enables automatic 'save'-operation after a 'read'. The switches are explained with the save-command.

syntax: autosave {no,off}
Disables automatic 'save'-operation after a 'read'.

syntax: autosave ?
Prints the status of the autosave-flag.

cd syntax: cd [directory]
Changes directory for 'save' operations (UNIX style).

syntax: clobber {yes,no,on,off}
Enables/disables overwriting existing files. Default is 'no'.

syntax: continue
Continues a paused macro.

syntax: continue [-x xserver] [-f font]
Opens the main camera-control GUI window.
    -x: where to open the window (e.g. xt28:0)
    -f: font-family (e.g. lucida)

syntax: crep n
Sets the cycle repeat count. When starting a measurement with 'read', 'n' images are taken.

syntax: ctype readmode [parameters]
Sets the cycle-type. Valid cycle-types 'readmode' are depending of the selected camera

e.g. for MAGIG are valid:
  'rr': mode (no paramters)
  'rrr': mode (no parameters)
  'multi': mulitple.endpoint mode (parameter=number of endpoints)
  'ramp': ramp mode (parameter=number of ramp points)
  'speckle': speckle mode (parameter=number of speckle frames)
  'subarray': subarray readouts only parameters: center-x center-y size
  'crrr': mode parameters: xcen ycen size itime(ms)

See the Observer's Manual for the other cameras.

syntax: ctype ?
Prints actual cycle-type.

syntax: dir [filenames]
Executes 'ls -l' in current directory. The output stops after 1 page, to proceed with the next page, enter: to abort the output, enter: q

syntax: { ,d,t}display [-c numcols] [-l colormap]
Starts display-module.
  'display' uses 1x1 dots per pixel.
  'ddisplay' uses 2x2 dots per pixel.
  'tdisply' uses 3x3 dots per pixel.
  'numcols' must be in the range 4..240 (default ist 64).
  'colormap' must be one of {gray,temp,heat} (default is 'gray').

syntax: exit
Leave the MAGIC-shell. Subprocesses are not killed.

syntax: filter position
Where 'position' is a filter-macro defined in the filter table (see XXXXX). These macros move the 3 filter wheels to the appropriate positions.

syntax: filter ?
Prints list of avaliable filter-macros and the actual one.

syntax: fits
Prints the actual FITS-header. The output stops after 1 page, to proceed with the next page, enter: to abort the output, enter: q

syntax: fits comment text
Sets 'text' in the FITS-header as COMMENT.

syntax: fits mosstep text
Sets 'text' in the FITS-header as MOS-STEP.

syntax: gui [-x Xdisplay] [-f font]
Starts a graphical user interface (GUI) for the camera.
This command has the same function as control.
    -x: where to open the window (e.g. xt28:0)
    -f: font-family (e.g. lucida)

syntax: help
Prints the list of commands

syntax: help command
Prints information about command 'command'

syntax: history
Prints the command history.

syntax: !!
Repeats the last command.

syntax: !xxx
Repeats the last command that starts with 'xxx'.

syntax: interactive {on,off,yes,no}
If you use the interactive-mode, the outputs are blocked after 19 lines, until you enter .

syntax: interactive ?
Prints status of the interactive-flag.

syntax: itime time
Set the integration-time 'time' in seconds.

syntax: itime ?
Prints the actual integration-time.

syntax: kill process
Sends a 'terminate' to the following subprocesses:
  process terminates 
  display  disp, ddisp, tdisp
  infowin  sawin, sewin 
  satcheck  satcheck 
syntax: load filename [n]
Loads 'n' FITS-files into the shared memory. Since the shared memory frame-buffers are unsigned short integers, the displayed values may be not correct. You also have to swtich the cycle-type to (rr).

syntax: logfile filename
Sets 'filename' as logfile name.

syntax: logfile ?
Prints name of logfile.

syntax: ls [switches] [filename]
Executes 'ls' (UNIX style).

syntax: macro filename
Executes the macro 'filename'. This macro-file contains commands like you use with the shell. Be carful when invoking commands like 'read', 'telescope' or 'filter' that run in the background. Make sure that the next command does not conflict with the previous or use the 'sync' command. The default-drectory for the macros is $HOME. If you want to start the macro test.mac in $HOME/macros then enter 'macro macros/test.mac'.

syntax: next filename
Sets 'filename' as the default-filename. This filename is used, when no filename is given with the 'save' command.

syntax: object text
Sets 'text' as object in the FITS-header.

syntax: object ?
Prints the actual object.

syntax: observer name
Sets 'name' as observer in the FITS-header. This name is used as password for the privileged commands.

syntax: observer ?
Prints the actual observer's name.

syntax: pause
Stops macro execution. The macro will be continued by entering the 'continue' command or may be aborted by 'abort'.

syntax: pwd
Shows the actual directory for the 'save' operation. (UNIX style).

syntax: quit
Leaves the MAGIC-shell and kills all subprocesses (e.g. display,infowin,satcheck ...).

syntax: read [n] [-c]
Read 'n' images according to the actual cycle type. Default is the 'crep' parameter. A continous read is initiated with the '-c' parameter, and continues until aborted.

syntax: satcheck on [limit]
Switches the saturation check on. The optional limit uses absolute counts of the A/D converter. These counts range from about 10000 - 55000. The non-linearity starts at about 40000 counts, which is the default limit. If 'sound' is on, you get a accoustic warning.

syntax: satcheck off
Switches the saturation check off. This is recomended at intgration times smaller than about 150 ms.

syntax: save [-f n] [-l n] [-r n1 n2] [-i] [-1] [-d] [-c] [filename]
Save frames in the shared mamory according to the actual cycle type (ctype). If no filename is given, the default filename is used.
  param  effect 
  -f  save from frame 'n' (= 'first frame is') 
  -l  save up to frame 'n' (= 'last frame is') 
  -r save only frames from 'n1' through 'n2'. 
Default is all. 
  -i  save the integral of the selected frames. 
  -1  write all images into one FITS-file (cube). 
  -d do not create FITS-files. Just dump the 
filled shared-memory frame buffer. 
  -c overwrite existing files 
(for this save-opereation only). 

syntax: sky filename
Use 'filename' for sky-subtraction in the display and use this file as SKYFRAME in the FITS-header.

syntax: sound {on,off}
Enables/disables sound after some operations like 'read', 'filter', 'telescope', 'macro', or as a warning if the saturation check is on. Default is 'off'.

syntax: sound ?
Prints the sound status.

syntax: sync [read] [tele] [wheel]
Waits for termination of the read, telescope, and/or filter wheel moving process.

syntax: telescope absolute hr min sec dg min sec [equinox]
Moves the telescope to the absolute position. Be carefull with negative declinations. If 'dg' = 0 'min' has to have the minus (`-`).

    alpha: 'hr' 'min' sec'
    delta: 'dg' 'min 'sec'

syntax: telescope relative dx dy
Moves the telescope 'dx' 'dy' arc-seconds.

syntax: telescope position
Returns the telescope position.

syntax: telegui [-x Xdisplay] [-f font]
Starts a graphical user interface (GUI) for telescope control.
    -x: X-terminal or X-server to connect
    -f: font for menus and buttons

syntax: verbose {on,off,yes,no}
If you set 'verbose yes', you will get more output to the screen. e.g. while executing a macro the system will print every command (and the line number), so you always know which macro-line is executed. Default is 'yes'.

syntax: verbose ?
Prints status of the verbose-flag.

Peter Bizenberger Dave Thompson
Phone: +49 (6221) 528-311 Phone: +49 (6221) 528-224