PMAS - Potsdam Multi Aperture Spectrophotometer

General Information:
PMAS, the Potsdam Multi-Aperture Spectrophotometer, is an Integral Field Instrument developed at the AIP. It is currently installed at the Calar Alto Observatory 3.5m Telescope in Spain and available as a common user instrument since July 1, 2002.
PMAS News:
2004-Sep-12: PYTHEAS, nod-shuffle, mosaicking
2004-May-10: 1arcmin FOV fiber bundle PPAK IFU
2002-Jan-02: PMAS at CAHA 3.5m: applications
...full news archive

PMAS operations:
PMAS characteristics (very brief)
Technical overview
reference to be cited in your papers
Observing with PMAS:
Users manual / cookbook
Online reduction software
Full reduction software
3.5m Observing schedule
Applications for Observing
Contact and development:
PMAS team
Optical Instrument group at AIP
ULTROS project
Science gallery
Instrument gallery