Error message on rike xterm or in IDL window like the one below
(or of a similar pattern):
Message: "Network connection lost"
Severity: "Warning" Context: "lea:5064"
Source File: ../iocinf.c Line Number: 1488
This is a typical error message of the EPICS instrument control system. It
occurs whenever a network interruption has occured, the vme controller has
experienced an error, power of the PMAS ELRACK was interrupted, or similar
event s which would result in a crash of the instrument control software. It
sometimes also signals that the current IDL session has lost connection to
EPICS, which would be the most simple case and easy to recover.
If error occurred within IDL session, exit and restart IDL. Verify that
SPEC and AG CCD controller Status windows are active and that ACE software is
running on both controllers. On IDL prompt, type:
In case of an error message, or in all other cases, reboot lea:
Go to PMAS ELRACK, find vme CPU board (leftmost card), press RESET button
(do not confuse with ABORT button, it has not the same effect).
Wait for approx. 60sec (TBV), check whether PMAS Status Window is becoming
active (window filled with text labels). If there is no Status Window, create
one with typing on rike prompt:
If the Status Window does not become active, check network connection to
lea. Type on rike prompt:
ping lea
If lea does not respond, check network hardware.
Startup SPEC CCD controller.
Startup AG CCD controller.
s_wipe on
a_wipe on
Startup pmas hardware:
Go to one of your IDL sessiones. Check LOCK status:
If LOCK is OPEN, close it:
If LOCK is already closed, continue on IDL prompt:
- Enter your name
- Confimr your session
- Enter run number, e.g. run 16 (alternatively: test)
- Enter name of observer(s) or of the person performing a test
- Enter night (or day of test) in format YYMMDD, e.g. 040812 for August 12,
- Enter programme title or keyword describing your test
- Enter subtitle or more information, hit RETURN if none
Observe on PMAS Status window how the various devices are being initialized.
In case of errors on selected devices, reset and initialize again from rike
prom pt (sometimes, spurious but non-serious errors have been observed for AG
and CALUNI T, or AG FILTER), see respective howto's for details.
When using the mosaic CCD camera, the CCD controller must be setup for dual-chip
readout. This is done by another initialization:
OUTPUT mode must be selected according to amplifier, see information in
pics_init.pro header.