Personal Data |
Current Position
Investigador Titular
Instituto de Astronomia
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Circuito de la Investigacion Cientifica
Ciudad Universitaria
Mexico, D.F., C.P. 04510
E-mail |
Telephone : (+52 55) 56 224 014 |
Curriculum Vitae
Publications and Pre-prints:
- Jobs
- 01/2014 "Investigador Titular",
de Astronomia, UNAM.
- 01/2012-12/2013 "Ramon y Cajal" Fellow,
Instituto de Astrofisica de
Andalucia, IAA (CSIC).
- 08/2010-12/2011 Resident Astronomer,
Centro Astronomico
Hispano-Aleman (CAHA).
- 05/2009-07/2010 Researcher,
ARAID Foundation
Partial-time Resident Astronomer at the (CAHA).
- 07/2008-04/2009 Resident Astronomer,
- 10/2004-06/2008 Support Astronomer,
- 08/2002-09/2004, Euro3D PostDoc,
Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam.
- 2000-2002, Sys.Adm. and Programmer,
Eresmas Interactiva SA.
- 1999-2000, Astro.Adm.Support,
Isaac Newton Group
Other Interests
- History
- Computer Games
- Linux/Unix Systems
- Web Programming (PHP, JAVA, FLASHetc), e.g. Sports,Virtual Saloon
- C/C++ Programming
- Games Programming: e.g.Sportland
Science Projects
Analysis and visualization tools
Examples of old Research results
Some personal information: |
I was born in a small village named Malcocinado in south Extremadura
(Spain), on 23 December 1972. I have lived in different places of
Spain, but I consider my hometown Lucena (Cordoba).
Although I studied my PhD at Cantabria University (1996-2001), I got
my degree in Physics at the
University of Salamanca (1990-1995).
I incorporated to ING in May 1999, where I worked until November 2000.
On this year I moved to programming carrier, working at Eresmas SA. as
system administrator and web programmer (PHP, JAVA, C, Perl) until May 2002.
I returned to astronomy on Augost 2002, when I started a PostDoc at the
AIP. In October 2004 I moved to the Calar Alto Observatory, where I worked as
Support Astronomer, until July 2008, when I become Resident Astronomer. In May
2009 I was appointed as ARAID researcher by the Science Department of the
Aragon Regional Government, that
I shared at a 20% basis with my position at Calar Alto. In August 2010, after
the final approval of the CALIFA survey, I
returned to Calar Alto to lead it. In 2012 I got a "Ramon y Cajal" Fellow at
the Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (IAA), of the Spanish High Research
Council (CSIC), where I have been working for 2 years. Recently I got an offer
of the IA-UNAM for a position as Staff Researcher, that I accepted. I am
currently on transit to my new position in Mexico D.F.