In July 2000 two new dewars, including 2048x800 15 µ CCDs, have been
installed at Twin. Site#20b for the red channel and Site#22b for the blue one.
The new dewars are each equipped with 3 piezos to adjust the CCD-detector
for tilt and to optimize the distance between the CCD and the dewar window
(which in effect is the field flattening lens).
Readout time for these CCDs (full frame) is 55 seconds.
Slit #1 (0.6") has been removed. This slit position has been replaced by
a wider one (5.9") to allow better absolute flux calibration
and more precise zero points calculations.
On slit #2 (0.9") two small wires have been fixed perpendicular to the
slit for a better alignment of the dewar (rotation).
Santos Pedraz Marcos
Last modified: Jan 16 2001