Fireball on May 29th 2024 in central Spain

Last night of May 29th 2024, at 21h03 UT, a bright fireball could be observed above central part of Spain.

This event was registered with the SMART Project’s detector operated at Calar Alto (Almería), La Hita (Toledo), Ayora (Valencia), Sierra Nevada (Granada) and Olocau (Valencia) observatories.

Ths object was also recorded with two of the external cameras operated at Calar Alto Observatory in Almería.

Conclusions of the preliminary analysis carried out be Professor José María Madiedo (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía IAA-CSIC), SMART Project’s PI, are:path

  • Type of event: Asteroidal
  • Initial speed: 57.000 km/h
  • Initial altitude: 84 km
  • Final altitude 21 km

It is important to mention that part of this meteoroid has reached the ground as a meteorite.

Below are the videos registered with two of the external cameras located at Calar Alto Observatory in Almería


Calar Alto (CAHA) fireball detection station, together with the one at the Observatory of Sierra Nevada (IAA-CSIC) and others placed at different locations in Spain, are part of the S.M.A.R.T. project led by Professor José María Madiedo (IAA) to track that kind of objects. Specifically, Calar Alto (CAHA) station and the one at Sierra Nevada (IAA-CSIC) constitute a collaboration agreement between the IAA researcher José María Madiedo and both institutions.