
July 2nd 2018

On the night of July 2nd 2018, at 03:58 local time (1:58 UT), a very bright and nice fireball flew above the skies of Andalucía (South Spain). The event could be registered with the SMART Project's detectors operated at Calar Alto (Almería), La Hita (Toledo), La Sagra (Granada), Huelva and Seville observatories. This object could be also recorded with the west external surveillance webcam located at Calar Alto Observatory (Almería) in a pretty video you can see if continue reading this post.


June 16th 2018

On June 16th 2018, at 0:31 UT, this fireball flew above Huelva (Southwest Spain) skies. The phenomena could be registered with some of the SMART Project's detectors and with one of the Calar Alto Observatory external surveillance webcams. The SMART detectors that registered the event were the ones operated at La Sagra (Granada), La Hita (Toledo) and Sevilla.


May 22nd 2018

Last night of May 22nd 2018, at 23:37 UT (01:37 local time of May 23rd), a bright fireball flew above Mediterranean Sea in front of Murcia and Alicante (Southeast Spain) coasts.

The fireball could be registered with the SMART Project’s detectors operated at Calar Alto (Almería), La Sagra (Granada), La Hita (Toledo) and Sevilla Observatories. It could be also detected with the external surveillance webcams at Calar Alto Observatory.


May 15th 2018

At 01:54 UT (03:54 local time) of the night of May 15th 2018, a bright fireball could be observed in front of Almería's (South Spain) coast, above the Mediterranean Sea.

The phenomena could be registered with the detectors that SMART Project operate at Calar Alto (Almería), La Sagra (Granada), La Hita (Toledo), Sierra Nevada (Granada) and Sevilla observatories. This fireball could also be recorded with two of the webcams of the Calar Alto Observatory external surveillance system.


May 12th 2018

A fireball with a very vertical trajectory flew over Jaen Province (South Spain) on the night of May 12th 2018 at 22:09 UT (00:09 local time).

This fireball could not be observed from SMART Project's detectors at Calar Alto Observatory (Almería, South Spain), but it could be registered from the external surveillance webcams located at this observatory, as well as with the SMART detectors operated at La Hita (Toledo), Sevilla and La Sagra (Granada).