
This bright object is a Orionid with a magnitude of about -10. It is a fireball detached from Halley Comet. This phenomenon took place on October 21st, 2014 about 02:16:49 UT. The initial height of this fireball was about 105 Km over sea level, while the last height was about 70 Km. At that altitude this object suddenly exploded, causing the fireball reaching its maximum brightness. 


m20140903This fireball was observed with the surveillance webcam pointing to North. Because the fireball was low over the horizon, it couldn't be followed with the firewall detection station. 


This one was observed on September 3rd, 2014 at 21:33:33 UT, and could be viewed from other locations.


m20140830This bright fireball was observed on August 30th, 2014 with the fireball detection station installed at Calar Alto Observatory on July 2014 by Prof. José María Madiedo in colaboration with this observatory. 


It took place at 23.54:50 UT and was not observed only at Calar Alto station but in some other places

presentacion 040814

This fireball passed over the Mediterranean sea on August 4th, 2014 at 22:22:04 UT.  This is the first object observed with the new fireballs detection station that Prof. José María Madiedo in collaboration with Calar Alto, installed at this observatory.