The Calar Alto observatory is looking for ideas for a legacy survey with the PMAS/PPAK Integral Field Unit, currently the widest field-of-view (74"x64") IFU in the world. The legacy survey will use a substantial fraction of the open time at the 3.5m telescope over the next years and address a wide range of pertinent scientific topics. Observations and data reduction will be performed by CAHA staff and the final data products (raw data, reduced and calibrated data, basic analysis, and visualization tools) will be publicly available.
The proposed survey should be unique, clearly different from any other spectroscopic survey already performed, or to be performed, in a 4m-class telescopes and should explore the large field-of-view of PMAS. PMAS currently uses ~30% of the 3.5m telescope time, a fraction much larger than any other similar instrument in the world, making 3D spectroscopy an expertise of Calar Alto.
To submit ideas please send a science case (3 pages max) to: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
All ideas will be posted at this webpage and online comments from the community are welcome. A workshop to discuss all ideas and the Legacy Survey plans will take place at the MPIA, Heidelberg, April 24th. Email Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. if interested in receiving information about the workshop.