April 11th 2016
Today are released the data that complete the survey and which provide to the international scientific community a unique tool for understanding the structure and evolution of the galaxies.
Calar Alto opens up its doors to the public
Since March 2016, Calar Alto will allow citizens to visit the observatory either in groups or individually.
Activities will be carried out by the company “Azimuth Education and Scientific Tourism”. Please have a look at their web: http://www.azimuthspain.com in order to book your visit.
March 1st 2016
The Spanish-German Astronomical Centre at Calar Alto (CAHA, MPG / CSIC) and the company Azimuth-Education and scientific tourism, have signed an agreement for the management and development of astrotourism and outreach activities from the observatory and its environment
The Calar Alto Observatory, the largest astronomical complex in continental Europe, has signed an agreement with the company Azimuth to develop a program that will allow citizens to visit the observatory and access facilities and instruments that until now have only been available to professionals. Activities will begin this March and will be open for booking, either individually or in groups through the web http://www.azimuthspain.com or by emailing to:
February 12th 2016
The camera aims to study the Solar System objects, but it can also be used for the observation of any object with high gloss that requires a high spatial resolution.
Calar Alto Observatory has a new instrument, the PlanetCam camera that, developed by University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), offers a big spatial and temporal resolution in both the visible and the infrared channels, and that will work at the 1.23 and 2.2 meters telescopes .
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