March 3rd 2023
The first two fireballs of March happened over Morocco (the first one) at 03h56 UT, and over Jaén, Granada and Almería provinces (Southeast Spain) the second one at 21h39 UT, both on March 2nd 2023.
These events were registered with the SMART Project’s detectors operated at Ayora (Valencia), Huelva, La Hita (Toledo), Calar Alto (Almería), Sierra Nevada (Granada), La Sagra (Granada), Seville and El Aljarafe (Seville).
Four of the external cameras of Calar Alto Observatory (Almería) also recorded these fireballs.
February 4th 2023
Last February the first, at 20h04 UT, a bright fireball was observed in the skies over northern Morocco and Algeria.
The phenomena was registered with the SMART Project’s detector located at Calar Alto (Almería), Huelva, La Hita (Toledo), Sierra Nevada (Granada), La Sagra (Granada) and Seville observatories.
Two of the external cameras operated at Calar Alto Observatory in Almería, were also able to follow this event.
January 11th 2023
During the last night of January 16, 2023 at 18:48 UT, a fireball could be observed that crossed the Strait of Gilbraltar towards the African continent, leaving a beautiful wake in its wake.
This phenomenon was registered with the SMART Project’s detector operated at Calar Alto (Almería), La Hita (Toledo), Sierra Nevada (Granada), La Sagra (Granada), Huelva and Seville observatories.
Several of the external cameras of Calar Alto Observatory in Almería also could follow this event.
January 11th 2023
Last night of january 11th 2023, a bright fireball was observed above the province of Córdoba. (Southeast Spain).
This phenomenon was registered with the SMART Project’s detector operated at Calar Alto (Almería), La Hita (Toledo), Sierra Nevada (Granada), La Sagra (Granada), Huelva and Seville observatories.
Several of the external cameras of Calar Alto Observatory in Almería also could follow this event.
December 19th 2022
Last night of December 17th 2022, a bright fireball was observed above Murcia Region (Southeast Spain).
This phenomenon was registered with the SMART Project’s detector operated at Calar Alto (Almería), La Hita (Toledo), Sierra Nevada (Granada), La Sagra (Granada) and Seville observatories.
Several of the external cameras of Calar Alto Observatory in Almería also could follow this event.
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