May 11th 2018
Calar Alto is looking for competitive science cases and associated instrumentation concepts for its flagship telescope, the CAHA 3.5m. It is expected that the current observatory mode of operation will remain in the future, with most of the time devoted to high impact science cases requiring large allocations of time.
We are currently soliciting letters of intent from proposing teams that will be evaluated by a Scientific Advisory Committee, which will recommend the most promising science-case/instrument. Junta de Andalucía and University of Almeria (in close collaboration with CAHA and IAA-CSIC) will provide 100k€ to fund up a design study. It is expected that the final instrument investment should be predominantly externally funded, in return for extensive (multi-year) telescope access. In general, in the context of return on the operating costs of the observatory, we encourage the close involvement of CSIC and Andalusian universities researchers. After the new 2018+ agreement on the future operation of CAHA (due in 2018), the chosen project will be implemented.
The letter of intent, with a maximum extent of 5 pages, should present: 1) the science case, 2) general technical specifications, and 3) an indication of the consortium/management plan. Teams should also indicate their end-to-end strategy for the project: hardware, telescope implementation, observing strategy, analysis software, and science exploitation.
Letters of intent should be sent to