During the last decade, the discovery of planets around stars other than the
Sun has revealed a variety of kinds of planets, orbits, and systems, often very different to our Solar System.
One of the most interesting examples are those of stars accompanied not
only by planets, but also by other stars, making double "Sun" sunsets, and sunrises, no longer science fiction. A research team from the
University of Jena (Germany) has recently made interesting discoveries at Calar Alto by performing a systematic search for such
Since the discovery in 1995 of the first extrasolar planet around a normal star (51 Pegasi), it has become evident that there exists an unexpected diversity of planetary systems, most of them very different to our Solar System. First, it was found that there are many massive planets placed extremely close to their parent stars: the so-called "hot Jupiters". This is very different from what we observe in the Solar System, where massive planets are located far away from the Sun, and this finding required a revision of the theories of planetary formation. Second, it was shown that the process of planetary formation is not restricted to single stars as our Sun: indeed, under certain circumstances, it is possible to form planets around binary stars, which are a much more dynamically complex environment than our own Solar System.
One of their recent findings refers to a quite bright star, gamma Cephei (γ Cephei), a star with a planet (γ Cephei Ab) with a minimum mass 1.7 times that of planet Jupiter and with a period of around 3 years. From previous spectroscopic studies this star is known to also have a low-mass stellar companion (γ Cephei B) orbiting the brighter component. This team has now been able to get the first direct images of the secondary star which allow to significantly improve the determination of physical parameters of the γ Cephei system. The observations were obtained both with the Japanese telescope Subaru (placed at Mauna Kea, Hawaii), and with the instrument Omega-Cass attached to the 3.5 m telescope of Calar Alto (Spain). The observations at Mauna Kea were obtained by Misato Fukagawa (Nagoya University) in June 2006, and at Calar Alto by Markus Mugrauer and Tobias Schmidt (both AIU Jena) in September 2006.
The two stars in the γ Cephei system are separated by an average distance only 20 times the distance from the Earth to the Sun making this system one of the closest planet hosting binary systems presently known. It is composed of the central bright subgiant star γ Cephei A, which is more massive than our Sun (1.4 solar masses), the secondary star γ Cephei B which is smaller than half the mass of the Sun (0.4 solar masses) and a planetary companion, circling the primary star.
Now imagine a "Sun" and a failed "Sun" sunset
Another outstanding discovery by the same team using Calar Alto
telescopes, is that of the companion to the star HD 3651. HD 3651 is a
faint, red star, known to have a sub-Saturn-mass planet. This team
discovered that the very faint companion is in fact a cool brown dwarf, the first brown dwarf directly
imaged as companion to an exoplanet host star. Observations performed
with the instrument Omega-Cass at the 3.5 m telescope of Calar Alto in
September 2006, helped to demonstrate the link between HD 3651 and this
small substellar object (now called HD 3651 B), and to determine its
physical characteristics. The faint companion of the planet host star
HD 3651 is one of the coolest brown dwarfs presently known (effective
temperature ranging between 500o and 600o C).
The same research team has used several instruments and telescopes to find faint companions to planet host stars. In the course of their campaigns, they have found secondary objects with masses from 0.5 to 0.075 the mass of the Sun, in the substellar-stellar mass border. Two companions turned out to be white dwarf stars, an evolved kind of object whose existence in planet-harboring systems implies new restrictions to the theories that explain the formation of planets.
Science fiction needs to catch up!
High resolution images:
Omega-Cass observations of gamma Cephei A+B (418 Kb) Infrared images of the gamma Cephei system obtained from Calar alto on September the 11th (left) and 12th (right) 2006. The bright, A component would be located at the center of both images, but it has been digitally subtracted to reveal the position of the faint, B component, marked with an arrow.
Omega-Cass infrared colour composite of HD 3651 A+B (108 Kb)
© Calar Alto Observatory, January 2007