
October 6th, 2017

On September 29th, 2017, the European Researchers’ night was celebrated in 30 countries and over 300 cities. Calar Alto was present in downtown Almería (Junta de Andalucía's Govern Delegation) to share some of the recent scientific results inferred from observations made at the observatory.

The focus this year was on stellar evolution, with a couple of posters and a video showing how stars are born, live, and die, depending mostly on their mass. The public, after answering a short (but tricky!) questionnaire about stellar evolution could win a nice prize: a planisphere, especially designed for the event.

Also, as a “grande premiere”, an observation of the Moon was performed remotely from Almeria, by piloting the 1.23-m CAHA telescope fitted with a webcam over the impressive craters and “seas” of our satellite. The public was very impressed by this live view of the Moon with a professional telescope.


September 27th 2017

Calar Alto Observatory (CAHA, MPG/CSIC) and Azimuth company have prepared a visit for affiliates to ONCE (Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles –National Organization for Blind Spanish people), which incises on the need of universalize the outreach.

Next Saturday September 30th, Calar Alto Observatory will host an outreach day for visually impaired people consisting in a talk, a sensorial workshop and a visit to the observatory 3.5m telescope. This activity, developed in collaboration with Enrique Pérez Moreno, researcher at the Instituto Astrofísico de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC) who promotes “Astronomía Accesible” (“Accesible Astronomy”) project, constitutes a step beyond in the observatory compromise in order to divulge knowledge for everyone.

cartel curso_UIMP

September 1st 2017

Three Calar Alto astronomers will participate actively in the UIMP-IAA-CSIC summer course "The vault of heaven as a scientific, cultural, environmental and touristic resource" to be held in Granada, 18th-22nd September 2017.

The main purpose of the course is to give an updated knowledge on the preservation of dark skies.

More information (in Spanish) can be found following this link.