Calar Alto participates in a multi-observatory effort to study the most
luminous quasar ever observed. The object, radio quasar 3C 454.3 in the
constellation Pegasus, experienced during 2005 a strong optical
outburst that made it observable even with amateur instrumentation (reaching R = 12 mag). According to the WEBT team, «this ourburst peak likely represents the most luminous quasar state
ever observed.» The same team quantified the maximum luminosity of this object as MB
= -31.4 mag. This means that, at its maximum and when observed in blue
light, 3C 454.3 was as bright as 550 billions of suns put together.
This is very bright even for a quasar, considering that this object
reached an
intrinsic brightness, in blue light, around one hundred times more
intense than the well known quasar 3C 273. However, the
apparent brightness of 3C 454.3 in visible light remained
to that of 3C 273, due to its much larger distance: 3C 454.3 is located
at 12 billions of light-years, while 3C 273 is five times closer
("only" 2.4 billions of light-years). If we were to express the
distance to 3C 454.3 in everyday units, we would have to write (and
read) the cumbersome number 114 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 km.
At present, scientists do not exactly know what caused such an
enormous brightening. This remains a mystery that follow-up
observations, already planned by this team of astronomers, will help
to solve.
Quasars are the active nuclei of distant galaxies. In
them, super-massive black holes engulf material from their
surroundings, and huge quantities of energy are released in this
process. 3C 454.3 is classified into the category of blazars, due to the characteristics of its emission. This outburst was
followed by the team of the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT; see Villata et al. (2006),
A&A 453, 817-822 ), in the context of a multi-wavelenght, long-term
effort in which several observatories around the world are coordinated
to cover the spectrum from radio to high energies, including the
optical band. Part of the observations were collected at Calar Alto
The image above shows quasar 3C 454.4 in the Johnson B filter, marked by the arrow, and was obtained in June 2006 with the CAFOS instrument attached at the Cassegrain focus of Calar Alto 2.2m telescope by observatory staff (M. Alises, D. Galadí-Enríquez, S. Sánchez). North is up, East is left.
© Calar Alto Observatory, July 2006